(This is going to have to be the new format around here. I simply cannot get enough time to write two separate updates one their "monthdays" anymore. If there is anything major with either one of them, I'll try to do a separate post. But, I have to face facts that my computer time is extremely limited these days.)
Dear Harry & Nathan,
We are getting into the swing of our Fall routine. The days are jam packed from one end to the other. I'm up and out the door by 6:30 every morning and home by 4:30 every afternoon. Most days I don't get to see you guys awake before I leave, but sometimes, Harry hears me moving around and calls out "Mama?" and I get to have a quick snuggle before I go. It's been hard to separate from both of you, but particularly Harry, as he understands more. On Monday morning this week, he was up and trying to prevent me from leaving my tugging at my blouse as I buttoned it up saying, "Home!" I think he thought if I didn't get dressed for work, I could stay. It always slows down my routine to have to stop and get juice and toast for you, Harry, but I love those early morning moments, when you are still sleepy-eyed and bed-headed. You are always more willing to snuggle at that time of the day, before your energy kicks in.
Nathan, however, you are nearly always ready to snuggle. You are a snuggler by nature. I get to snuggle you all night long in bed and listen to you snore and talk and laugh in your sleep. You are happy to be held by just about anyone and you love to just look around and smile. Last week, everyone came to work with me early one morning (due to car trouble) and you smiled at everyone you met. You are not to be outpaced by your brother, however. You are already on all fours and rocking, threatening to crawl even earlier than he did. You were rolling across the floor earlier too - by 3 months. Rolling, however, is for chumps, apparently. You love nothing more than to scoot your self backwards across the room now, leading to several occasions of your parents looking into the living room and saying "WHERE'S NATHAN?!?" only to find you behind a chair or potted plant.
As much as I hate leaving both of you, I love our evenings together. I get excited driving home just thinking about your smiles when I walk in the door. Harry has been having a lot of trouble with my absence and wants Mama TO. HIM. SELF. at the end of the day. He cries and tells Daddy to "Take Nate!" when it's nursie time. He runs to me saying "Up! Up!" and practically jumps in my arms. 2 year old love is intense and physical, I tell you. Harry wants to be in contact with me at all times, being held, hugged, kissed or holding hands. It's so sweet. I wish I could bottle his affection and save it for when he is a sullen teenager.
The best part of the evening is after bath and jammies, we have "Double Snuggle" time. We all pile on the couch under a blanket, I nurse Nathan and Harry sits on Daddy's lap and we watch something on TV. Lately, it's been "Punkin Moomee" (It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown) but sometimes its "AH AH!" (Curious George) and we might introduce the Muppets (this one is pronounced correctly, for some reason). I wish we could get Harry to settle using books, but he needs the visual stimulation of a video to focus him and keep his body still. He's been that way from day one. After our video time, I give Nate to Daddy and take Harry to bed where we snuggle to sleep using my iPod with some soothing music and video. (As of last week - no more driving to sleep! Hurrah!) Then, it's back out to nurse Nate down and try to get ready for bed and the next day.
I cannot describe how happy you both make your parents. You are both so amazing, I have to stop myself from gushing about you to anyone who will listen. There is a song that captures these days very well for me (well, except for the last line)
If they asked me, I could write a book
About the way you walk, and whisper, and look.
I could write a preface
On how we met
So the world would never forget.
And the simple secret of the plot
Is just to tell them that I love you a lot.
And the world discovers
As my book ends,
How to make two lovers
Of friends.
I could just go on and on about every little thing you both do. About how you make us laugh and smile and gawk. We are exhausted and exhilarated every day. I feel so lucky to have both of you (and Daddy too!) and love watching you both grow and change and become yourselves. So, I'll stop there before I write a book.
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