Dear Harry,
I can hardly believe that we are so close to your first birthday. You are such a big boy in so many ways, but still such a baby boy in many other ways.
This month, you have started to show a lot of interest in walking. You have learned how to push your Radio Flyer up and down the hallway and you love to cruise (walk holding onto furniture) all over the house. You will also walk if we hold one or both of your hands. You can also stand up by yourself and have given yourself a round of applause after doing so, several times. You can climb up and down the stairs (with a spotter!) and can climb up and down from your mattress (without help!) and love to do so. Over and over and over again.
This month's picture shows you with your early birthday present from your grandparents in South Carolina. It is called a "Kangaroo Climber" and within 24 hours of its arrival, you figured out how to climb UP the slide to the little platform and then DOWN to the ground from the platform and out the back swinging door (shown above). Holy cow. You are a monkey! Sometimes you like to climb up the slide and then slide back down on your belly. That makes you laugh, which makes us laugh back.
With all the nice weather we've been having, it is really fun for us to take you outside. It gets tiring being in the house all day, so we take a blanket into the yard with some toys and just hang out. The funny thing is that you HATE the grass. I can put you on the blanket and trust that you will not move from it. That comes in handy if there are any forbidden objects around. If I want to have the laptop nearby, I can put it on a chair in the grass, away from the blanket and I may as well have put it on an island surrounded by burning lava. You retract your legs like a turtle if we dare try to put you on that foul substance. It is a relief not to have to chase you for once!
Sand, however, does not seem to bother you. During last week's heat wave, we took you to a lake at a local state park. You loved squishing your toes in the sand and splashing in the water. I can't wait to take you to the ocean and see what you think. Otherwise, it is great to go to the park and play. There is a pool at our local park that we plan to join so we can beat the heat as the summer wears on. We got you your first bathing suit and you look pretty cute, I must say.
You like to talk to us and sing songs and we love hearing your voice. Your laugh is infectious, your appetite is insatiable, your joy in life is palpable and your smile is bigger than you are. That gets us through the sleepless nights, the teething and the nap fighting. You are thriving and developing so well and so fast that these 11 months will be nothing but a blur when we look back. There is still so much to look forward to, but it is bittersweet that your first year is almost over. Just remember that even when you grow up, you'll always be our baby.
1 comment:
Oh those dimples! Grantie sends you a million hugs and kisses. I think you are very smart to be doing all that you are doing. I can't believe what you can do with Mimi and Pop's present! I saw what you can do with your wagon. [ kind of a knee-to-foot dance!] Soon you will have your first birthday. Where does the time go? Did you know that you and your Grantie have the same zodiac sign? You will probably love books, music, the ocean, animals of all kind. You will love to laugh, need time to be alone, be a good friend,be a little out spoken and sometimes a little crabby! That's what we moonchildren tend to be like. [Or so they say!]
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