Dear Nathan,
I cannot believe how the time has flown by! I know I missed posting your letter last month. Forgive your overtired mom. It's hard to keep up with everything going on around here. We've been doing work on the house and I returned to work. Those two things alone have been enough disruption that we can't seem to get into a normal routine yet. I know we'll hit our stride. You are such a "roll with the punches" kind of baby that it doesn't seem to bother you a bit!
The first thing everyone notices about you is that you are HUGE for your age. Really, it is staggering. At your 2 month appointment (at 10 weeks old) you were 15 pounds, 9 ounces and 26 inches long. That is very large, Nate. Like 9-12 month size, large. At three months, you are easily another inch and another pound bigger. You can hold your head up very well and have rolled over a couple of times. All those good milkies are helping you grow big and strong. You make Mama proud!
The other thing everyone notices is how laid back and social you are. You love to "talk" to us all the time and you are very interested in people. You are very content to hang out and observe the goings on around here. You are even starting to laugh real baby laughs. You have your cranky times, but it is usually one of three things: hungry, wet or tired. Oh, and sometimes gassy. You are a champion spitter-upper. Since you don't seem to mind (and you are gaining well) it is more of a laundry problem, as they say. Poor Daddy's shirts are all "blessed" by your milky burps. Good thing the new family room rug is beige.
You are such a sleeper, Nathan James! I know I wrote about it before, and since then you have had a rough patch, which we believe was a growth spurt. But even in your rough patch, you have been easier than we've seen around here on your brother's good days. You still give us a good stretch alone in the crib and then you come to bed with me until morning. You are still able to go to sleep on your own from a drowsy state in different situations. Your naps are all over the place and a bit too cat-like (read: short) but you have done a few long ones, on your own in the crib. We forget that you are still so young - only 13 weeks, really. There is a lot of time for you to pull that together.
We just can't get enough of you, Nate. Even Harry loves to come kiss and rub your head. You are very nice to put up with all of that. It's so sweet to watch you develop your very own personality. You make us smile and laugh. Even when you are attached to me for hours at a time, and I can finally put you down, I'll start missing you a little while later. I love waking up to your happy little face cooing at me in the morning. Your large size reflects the size of your heart. I can tell already at 3 months old. So full of love and joy and so ready to spread it around. Shine on, little man!